Soft Skills News

Transarming According to Galtung:Dismantling Structures and Cultures of Violence
Johan Galtung, in addition to analyzing the various forms of violence and proposing strategies for conflict transformation, also developed the concept of transarming, a term that goes beyond simple disarmament, which focuses on the reduction of military armaments....
Peacebuilding through Civil Means According to Galtung’s Perspective:An Approach from Society
Johan Galtung, with his holistic approach to peace, not only focused on the actions of states or...
The Culture of Peace:A Paradigm for Peaceful Coexistence According to Galtung’s Perspective
Although the expression "culture of peace" became popular through UNESCO, Johan Galtung’s work,...
Reconciliation According to Galtung:Healing Wounds and Building a Shared Future
Johan Galtung, in his comprehensive vision of peace, places reconciliation at the center as a...
Mediation According to Galtung:A Bridge to Conflict Transformation
Johan Galtung, in addition to his theoretical contributions to the field of conflictology, has...
Intercultural Dialogue according to Galtung:Building Bridges Between Cultures for Peace
Johan Galtung, aware of the growing interconnection between cultures in today's world, placed...
The Construction of Peace according to Galtung: Building Sustainable and Lasting Peace
Johan Galtung, in addition to his profound analysis of violence and conflict, has dedicated an...