Tricks. How to lie without being noticed, according to experts in lies.
If you’re looking for a good excuse to avoid attending an event or have already gotten tangled up in your false excuses, it’s best to carefully read this post. It is not, of course, a justification for lying, but it’s important to understand that there are certain circumstances where it might be necessary. Just because it might be necessary doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy or can be done without consequences.
Do you consider that you tell so many lies that your nose keeps growing? If so, and you really take pride in it, you could end up developing an impostor syndrome where it no longer seems so funny. In theory, the best thing you can do is always tell the truth, even if it’s a combination of lies that are taken as true.
The truth is also not absolute. In the end, everything has a moral basis: depending on how you use both, that’s how things will go for you. It’s true that there are smaller lies and others as big as a truck that you should never make. If you think you’re good at hiding the truth with false statements, you risk hurting the people who matter to you or creating a chaotic sense in your life. But it’s also important to recognize that, practically speaking, many times it’s better to lie, like when someone tries to convince you to do something you really don’t want to do and you’re looking for a good excuse.
In fact, there are several strategies to know what is best to say if you don’t want to be truthful. A recent study published in ‘Plos One’ gathered several people to assess the quality of their deceptions. In this way, the authors discovered that those considered good liars used a combination of four verbal tactics: “keeping a statement clear and simple, telling a plausible story, avoiding information or being vague with details, and knowing how to embed a good lie within a story that is somehow true.”
“Ultimately, the best liars tell clear and realistic falsehoods without going into too many details, and they try to turn the lie into a story that is already somewhat true,” says journalist Joline Buscemi in ‘Medium,’ who reported on the research. Of course, “it’s not just what you say, but how you say it.” In other words, “to lie well, you’ll also need to coordinate your attitude with what you’re claiming,” meaning that if you’re lying about good or bad news, you must appear affected, either good or bad, based on the false information you’ve provided.
Another trick is to maintain a steady or stable body language. Or, on the contrary, if you’re a nervous person, don’t freeze. “Liars often keep the upper body still,” explains Pamela Meyer, author of ‘Liespotting.’ “Or they rub or touch their eyes too much. They may also turn their feet inward or fiddle with something on the table. They change their tone of voice, and they may also engage in excessive eye contact with the person they’re talking to in order to perpetuate the old myth that liars can’t look you in the eye.”
For his part, Robin Dreeke, head of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Program, believes it’s almost impossible to lie to someone with whom you have some degree of empathy or emotional involvement. “If you have empathy with the people you’re interacting with and genuinely care about their feelings, opinions, and ideas, it’s very hard to lie. As humans, we really don’t like having to do it,” he asserts. This is interesting because for this reason, you will never be able to deceive people like your father or mother, since, although they may believe you to some extent, your attitude betrays you, and they will suspect, rightly so.
So, how could you deceive someone infallibly? Aside from everything discussed earlier, the most important thing is not to get lost in the details and get straight to the point, trying not to get bogged down in your own explanation, nor be too brief or inconclusive. Oh, and most importantly: the excuse must be absolutely believable or have a high probability of occurring and passing for the truth. “For example, suppose a colleague asks you to go for drinks after work and you don’t feel like it,” Buscemi reasons. “Since you don’t want to tell them you’re not in the mood, you could say your throat hurts a little today. Instead of trying to create a very elaborate lie explaining why you can’t go, it’s easier to reflect that you’re concerned about getting sick and wouldn’t want to risk catching a cold. While it may involve some exaggeration, it’s much easier to go down this path and convince someone that you’re partially telling the truth than to try to lie with something that’s completely false.”