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In-person, Distance, or B2B Courses

Our Executive Programs are also offered in an online modality. While personal contact has not been surpassed by technology, no matter how sophisticated it may be, we still strive to make this training as beneficial as possible.

It is essential to recognize the immense progress in training technology and its consequence of optimization in terms of available study time, providing participants with greater scheduling flexibility.

Team Negotiation


The course also has an executive and practical content and is aimed at all those who have to lead work teams. Work teams are becoming increasingly essential in the functioning of projects, companies, and organizations of all kinds. Within this topic, we focus on leadership, as well as participation, decision-making, delegation, delegation control, and effective progress in the context of collaborative work. We believe it is one of the most effective programs for immediate application and for decisively and strongly enhancing team productivity. That’s why we invite you to take it and immediately put its content into practice

ModeDuration 5 Classes of 2 and a half hours
Online or in person, on the indicated dates. Or taken in closed groups within the company or organization.
Next BeginningsCoursed

The program is specially designed to provide the necessary tools to face team negotiations and negotiations with teams. It offers a perspective that prepares the participant to handle situations where negotiation is required and where collective participation is needed, as well as the development of positions and decisions in a plural manner, either within or between organizations.

Some negotiations are so simple that we can handle them alone, but this type of negotiation is becoming less common in the business world. Today, in order to succeed in a negotiation, we usually have to be able to work effectively as part of a negotiation team.

The focus is to prepare those who will lead these negotiations at the front of a team to achieve the most efficient results possible, while also learning to recognize and assign the necessary roles within a team when facing a negotiation, how to assess its evolution, and how to maintain focus and direction for a group of people with different characteristics, skills, and talents.

It will also provide the opportunity to analyze the functioning, structure, strategy, and tactical details of the teams negotiating with us.

Through five classes, the program covers a series of practical issues related to team negotiation. To begin, it is not always clear whether a negotiation team should be formed. Based on the foundations established by Elizabeth Mannix, Professor at Cornell University, it is taught that it may be preferable to negotiate in a team in the following situations:

  • Complex negotiations that require diverse knowledge.
  • Negotiations with high potential for creativity and value creation.
  • Negotiations with multiple participants interested in the outcome.
  • International contexts where negotiation teams are the norm.
  • Negotiations where there is enough time to coordinate a team approach.

Comparadas con las negociaciones individuales, las negociaciones en equipo son mejores en cuanto a estrategias efectivas de negociación como el desarrollo de intercambios, de acuerdo con Leigh Thompson, profesora de la Universidad Northwestern y sus colegas investigadoras Erika Peterson y Susan Brodt. Los equipos suelen ser mejores que los negociadores individuales a la hora de intercambiar información con la contraparte y de emitir juicios precisos, además de que suelen lograr resultados mejores. Los equipos también suelen sentirse más poderosos, menos competitivos y presionados que los negociadores individuales, según las investigaciones de la Universidad de Cornell.

La tendencia de los equipos a desempeñarse mejor que los negociadores individuales se ha atribuido a varios factores como las metas económicas altas que los equipos se imponen; su elevado sentido de la competencia, y la tendencia de sus miembros a cuestionar las posturas de los otros miembros. También podría ser importante que las personas que participan en un equipo estén atentas a la conducta de los demás miembros, mientras que los individuos negocian sin que otros miembros de sus empresas los observen. La supervisión suele amplificar las normas sociales – o expectativas conductuales – que destacan en una negociación.

Los equipos de negociación deben estar atentos a ciertas tendencias. Por ejemplo: un equipo de negociación podría ser particularmente susceptible a la “mentalidad de grupo”, es decir, la tendencia de los grupos de personas a apegarse al mismo punto de vista y a pasar por alto información que contradice dicha postura. La negociación efectiva también puede toparse con el obstáculo de las coaliciones o las facciones destructivas.

Por ello deberías exhortar a los miembros de tu equipo de negociación a que compartan sus posturas, aunque sean contradictorias e incluso designar un “abogado del diablo”. Se debe, además, buscar un consenso respecto a las decisiones importantes en vez de simplemente someterlo a votación.

Si parece que esa negociación que se avecina exige un enfoque de equipo, se debe identificar las funciones pertinentes y reclutar a las personas adecuadas para ello. A través de lo que se trabajara en el curso, se buscara clarificar este punto para una estructuración eficiente de los equipos y de la definición de los roles.

  1. Conflict Theory within Groups and Organizations.
  2. Sources of conflict in groups of people, interests, emotions, and positions.
  3. Managing alternatives and decisions.
  4. Managing and handling conflict within groups.
  5. Conflict resolution in a collective context.
  6. Methods for resolution.
  7. Communication in groups.
  8. Leadership and participation.
  9. Role-playing within the team.
  10. Leadership as a set of distributed functions.
  11. Elements for understanding teamwork.
  12. Team roles in negotiation.
  13. Decision-making by the team leader.
  14. Reaching consensus on positions and interests within the team.
  15. Conclusions and preparation exercise for a team negotiation, with role distribution within the group.

This program is generally aimed at individuals involved in management and negotiation functions, either as leaders or team members within their workplace, professional environment, and with external stakeholders.

Entrepreneurs, executives, professionals, technicians, and all personnel involved in management functions and responsibilities, with a need to work in teams or with groups of people they must interact with on projects.

Each course is made up of concrete tools that participants will find applicable to their reality from the very beginning.

We provide a series of in-depth resources (TED Talks, articles, worksheets, and videos) so that participants can expand their resource base.cursos de cada temática que se aborda en las clases.

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