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In-person, Distance, or B2B Courses

Our Executive Programs are also offered in an online modality. While personal contact has not been surpassed by technology, no matter how sophisticated it may be, we still strive to make this training as beneficial as possible.

It is essential to recognize the immense progress in training technology and its consequence of optimization in terms of available study time, providing participants with greater scheduling flexibility.

Organizational Negotiation


The course also has an executive and practical content and is aimed at all those who have to lead work teams. Work teams are becoming increasingly essential in the functioning of projects, companies, and organizations of all kinds. Within this topic, we focus on leadership, as well as participation, decision-making, delegation, delegation control, and effective progress in the context of collaborative work. We believe it is one of the most effective programs for immediate application and for decisively and strongly enhancing team productivity. That’s why we invite you to take it and immediately put its content into practice

ModeDuration 5 Classes of 2 and a half hours
Online or in person, on the indicated dates. Or taken in closed groups within the company or organization.
Next BeginningsCoursed

If we create an agenda for a working day, especially in the current context of our organization, we will quickly realize that conflict is an element that is constantly present in each of its interactions. It is true that in many cases it may not necessarily manifest itself, but it is a highly probable circumstance in the context of human relations, and particularly in organizational relationships.

Conflicts with bosses, colleagues, other members, or different areas within the organization. Conflicts with clients, suppliers, competitors, or regulatory agencies. To a greater or lesser extent, the conflict factor is often present in many work-related interactions. Hence, the way we are currently managing these conflicts (with our competencies and occasional moments of incompetence) directly impacts the quantity and quality of our results and work and professional relationships.

These conflicts stem from two types of sources: the first relates to communication problems, and the second concerns conflicts of interest. In either case, conflicts have different dynamics and therefore require distinct tools for their management. The worst cases usually occur when both sources appear together.

Based on these, we have developed a course divided into five challenges – one per session – in which we will train the different skills and competencies necessary to manage communication conflicts and negotiate conflicts of interest.

We propose a new and improved negotiation tool beyond the collaborative win-win approach of the Harvard Negotiation Program, based on the multifaceted strategic negotiation approach. This approach integrates training in skills to collaborate with other parties to expand the value at stake and to compete for a larger portion of that value generated for our company, area, business, or even for ourselves.

Through five classes, the program delves deeply into what we consider the five challenges that strategic negotiation currently faces as a central tool for managing and solving conflicts. The program provides concrete tools in each class that are easy to implement.

Class 1 | Understanding the Structure and Dynamics of Conflict.

Understand and distinguish the sources and origins of conflict (communication problems and/or conflicts of interest) and understand their areas of intervention: operational, relational, or both combined.

Class 2 | Incorporating Conversational Competencies.

To avoid communication problems (unnecessary aspects of conflict). Learn to communicate to be understood and comprehended, as well as listen to enhance resolution capacity.

Class 3 | Identification of Key Drivers in Negotiation.

Learn to engage the other party to negotiate with us. How to add power and neutralize the power of other parties. Learn to “read” and manage the context in which we are negotiating.

Class 4 | Prepare and Implement Strategic Negotiation.

Know how to prepare for a negotiation. Understand the behaviors that help collaborate to create value and those that serve to compete argumentatively to capture the value created.

Class 5 | The Application of Strategic Negotiation in Practice.

Develop the ability to apply strategic negotiation in various organizational contexts, knowing how to balance how much collaboration and competition should be present in each negotiation.

The course is ideal for organizational managers, entrepreneurs, middle managers, executives, or independent professionals who seek to minimize the occurrence of conflicts due to communication problems (unnecessary ones) and negotiate more effectively the natural conflicts of interest, which are present in most of our organizational interactions.

Each course is composed of concrete tools that the participant will find applicable to their reality from the very beginning.

We provide a series of in-depth resources (TED Talks, articles, worksheets, and videos) so that the participant can expand their resource base on each topic addressed in the classes.

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