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Series The Influence of Emotions II – The Impact of Emotionality on Building Trust in Negotiation

Soft Skills Lab Analysis Team

26 Feb, 2024

The Impact of Emotionality on Building Trust in Negotiation

Trust is one of the fundamental pillars in any negotiation process, and emotions play a crucial role in its creation and maintenance, as explored in the previous blog article. The influence of emotions on how trust is generated and strengthened between parties is often overlooked. However, emotional states—both positive and negative—can either facilitate or hinder this process. Understanding how these emotional dynamics manifest is essential for negotiators seeking to build lasting and productive relationships.

Trust as an Emotional Factor:

Trust in negotiation is not solely a rational calculation of the other party’s credibility or competence; it is also deeply connected to the emotions experienced during interactions. Positive emotions tend to create an environment where trust can flourish, while negative emotions—such as doubt or distrust—can quickly erode any previously established trust.

A negotiator who feels comfortable, secure, and valued is more likely to trust the other party and be receptive to proposals. Conversely, if emotions like fear or insecurity prevail, suspicion and withdrawal may dominate the dynamic, making trust-building significantly more difficult.

The Emotional Cycle of Trust:

The development of trust in negotiation is a gradual process built on previous experiences, emotional perceptions, and signals of cooperation. Emotions have the power to reinforce or weaken this cycle of trust.

  • Positive Emotions and Trust Reinforcement: Emotions such as gratitude, respect, or recognition strengthen trust. When a negotiator perceives that the other party acts with sincerity or respects their interests, positive emotions are generated, increasing the level of trust. This process has a cumulative effect: each positive interaction reinforces the expectation that future interactions will also be favorable.
  • Negative Emotions and Trust Destruction: On the other hand, emotions like betrayal, contempt, or indifference can quickly destroy trust. A single interaction in which a negotiator feels deceived or undervalued can reverse the progress made, and rebuilding trust once broken is extremely difficult.

The Importance of Empathy in Building Trust:
Emotional empathy is a powerful tool for building and maintaining trust. An empathetic negotiator not only cares about the other party’s interests but is also able to recognize and respond to their emotions appropriately. This generates a sense of security and legitimacy that facilitates openness and collaboration.

Empathy also helps prevent conflict escalation, as a negotiator who perceives the other party’s negative emotions can proactively intervene to mitigate tensions before they intensify. This not only preserves trust but can even strengthen it by demonstrating that both parties are committed to resolving differences constructively.

Emotionality and Perception of Intention:
In negotiations, emotions not only influence how we feel but also how we interpret the other party’s intentions. Positive emotions generate a more favorable perception of the other’s intentions, while negative emotions tend to increase distrust and misinterpretations.

For example, a negotiator feeling frustrated or irritated may misinterpret a neutral offer as an attack or an inadequate concession. Conversely, a negotiator in a positive emotional state is more likely to interpret the other party’s intentions constructively, favoring mutual understanding.

Emotional Strategies to Strengthen Trust:
Given that emotions play such a crucial role in building trust, negotiators should adopt strategies to manage them appropriately and maximize their positive impact:

  • Cultivating Positive Emotions: Creating an environment of respect and cooperation from the outset of the negotiation can generate a virtuous cycle of positive emotions. Showing appreciation for the other party’s contributions and expressing recognition for their efforts are effective ways to foster constructive emotions.
  • Managing Negative Emotions: When negative emotions arise, it is crucial to address them promptly to prevent them from escalating into a destructive spiral. Taking time to reflect and clarify misunderstandings can help avoid letting negative emotions erode trust.
  • Conscious Use of Vulnerability: Controlled vulnerability can be an effective strategy for building trust. By showing sincerity and admitting uncertainties or mistakes, negotiators can appear more genuine, which helps the other party lower their defenses and respond with trust.

Conclusion: Emotions have a profound impact on the creation and maintenance of trust in negotiation. Although trust is often perceived as something based on rationality and objective credibility, emotionality plays an equally important role. An emotionally intelligent negotiator, capable of managing their own emotions and responding appropriately to those of others, is in a much more favorable position to generate trust-based relationships that lead to successful agreements. By recognizing and managing the power of emotions, negotiators can transform trust into a powerful tool for achieving effective results.

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