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How to Learn to Negotiate and Resolve Conflicts.

Dr. Ricardo Petrissans Aguilar

23 Mar, 2023

In the business world, successful conflict management is considered a critical skill for success. The ability to identify and manage conflicts successfully can be the difference between a transaction that ends well and one that ends in failure. This applies to all levels of business life, from the highest level of management to the daily interactions between employees.

Undoubtedly, this skill is not only important in the business field but also in much broader life spaces. All areas of existence for individuals, teams, and organizations encounter conflict daily, whether of low intensity or of greater importance in terms of its content and consequences.

As we know, conflict has been present in all human societies since time immemorial. We also know that it is an inevitable circumstance in interactions between individuals, and, as such, it should not be seen as inherently good or bad, but rather as a natural consequence of such interaction, regardless of the results of its resolution. In fact, in some cases, when properly managed, it can lead to a factor of change within organizations or interpersonal relationships. In this case, we will see that the results of the conflict can be positive as it sometimes alters a status quo that is not desired.

Conflicts naturally arise in all human interactions, from those between ordinary citizens to situations where a company’s interests collide with those of its clients. However, the scope of conflict does not end here. It may occur between organizations, or between groups of individuals within a political context, and even between groups of individuals and a government, not to mention conflicts between states. Therefore, it is important to know how to manage conflicts effectively, as well as how to identify and solve problems. Equally important is having a constructive mindset to prevent conflicts and even manage them, since sometimes there is no effective solution, and what we can do is manage the situation for a certain period of time.

We will explore these issues in future posts on this blog.

For all the reasons mentioned, conflict management includes many skills, such as assertive communication, negotiation, problem-solving, active listening, and critical thinking. These skills are essential for both employee interactions and everyday customer relationships.

Mastering these skills is crucial to improving the efficiency of a company, organization, family, etc. To help professionals develop these skills, there is a wide range of tools and resources available for conflict management training.

Conflict management courses provide professionals with a solid foundation in understanding, resolving, and managing conflicts, as well as contributing to the improvement of their negotiation skills.

These courses cover a wide range of topics, from understanding different types of conflicts to resolving conflicts in practice. These courses also include decision-making, negotiating agreements, problem-solving, and communication; they also provide participants with the opportunity to apply the skills learned directly to their business situations.

In addition to courses, there is a wide range of supporting materials, such as books, manuals, and online training. The general principle to remember at this point is an old saying from professional negotiators that applies broadly to conflict: “The negotiator is not born, but made, that is, built.”

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