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Soft Skills Lab Analysis Team

30 Jun, 2023


Named after the television detective, the formula has great adherence in psychiatric medicine and police investigations, but it can also be used in daily life. Many people may not remember the actor Peter Falk, who had a successful career in the United States and created a very special character. In fact, fiction sometimes teaches reality. He developed an interrogation method that ended up working perfectly and was adopted by many security forces.

How it works:

Over 69 episodes, divided into 12 seasons, Peter Falk played detective Columbo in the eponymous series and managed to transcend the small screen. To such an extent that the character’s preferred method, always sharp and deductive, became part of reality and today, several decades later, it is considered the most effective system for unmasking liars.

A report from the psychiatric department of Harvard Medical School describes the Columbo method as the approach to follow when detecting lies from patients. Dr. Scott Beach said that patients lie for various reasons. Whether about how much alcohol they drink or how much they exercise, some hide pain or symptoms of a mental illness for fear of being labeled, and others exaggerate them. He focused on these.

“For patients suspected of exaggerating their symptoms, the Columbo method, named after the TV detective, can be a particularly useful strategy,” said Beach.

The technique consists of repeating seemingly trivial questions during intervals of time while pretending confusion and forgetfulness. The goal is to get the liar to reveal or overlook a detail previously mentioned, thus uncovering the deceit. “It is an effort to detect inconsistencies in the story, as well as a gentle confrontation facilitated by the role of the naive interviewer,” explained the specialist.

In his writing, Dr. Beach provides the example of a patient who associates their depression with the death of their brother. “One could ask in a curious manner – he says – ‘I just want to make sure I’m understanding correctly. It seems that you’re terribly sad about the recent death of your brother, but I notice in the records that your brother also died in 2006, 2008, 2011, and last year. Were they different brothers?’ By presenting it as a gentle question, aligned with the patient and willing to help them, one can recognize the stress when asked and catch them in a slip-up in their story.”

Beyond being a tactic especially used by doctors and detectives, it can be applied to everyday life to uncover lies from those who engage in deception.

How to use the Columbo method:

When the person has relaxed enough, repeat a question to find the slip-up.

  • Ask casual questions to get the other person to speak openly.
  • Be confusing when speaking, which suggests incompetence.
  • Always be kind and welcoming despite potential threats.
  • Use meaningless chatter to distract the person talking and lead them to a false sense of security.

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