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In-person, Distance, or B2B Courses

Our Executive Programs are also offered in an online modality. While personal contact has not been surpassed by technology, no matter how sophisticated it may be, we still strive to make this training as beneficial as possible.

It is essential to recognize the immense progress in training technology and its consequence of optimization in terms of available study time, providing participants with greater scheduling flexibility.

Analysis, Management, and Administration of Conflicts


The course also has an executive and practical content and is aimed at all those who have to lead work teams. Work teams are becoming increasingly essential in the functioning of projects, companies, and organizations of all kinds. Within this topic, we focus on leadership, as well as participation, decision-making, delegation, delegation control, and effective progress in the context of collaborative work. We believe it is one of the most effective programs for immediate application and for decisively and strongly enhancing team productivity. That’s why we invite you to take it and immediately put its content into practice

ModeDuration: 5 classes of 2 and a half hours each.
Online or In-Person, on the indicated dates. Also available in closed groups within the company or organization.
Upcoming startsCoursed

The course is designed to place conflict as the starting point in the foundation of knowledge for the negotiator’s training. It is not possible to develop any process of management and administration of constructive situations without the ability to understand the anatomy, functioning, and pathological forms that conflict can take.

We will not exclusively focus on aspects related to negotiation, but instead, we will prepare the participant to face conflicts, understand their nature, try to foresee them, and also understand that, at times, these conflicts can be solved and, in other cases, managed. We will conceptually work on the “loss of fear” towards conflicts, presenting them as normal and expected elements in any human relationship, as well as in professional and business relationships.

Indeed, anyone aspiring to professionalize as a negotiator must begin by understanding these elements, which will provide the fundamental base to, first, comprehend; second, analyze; and seek the best formula or formulas to handle it—whether from a personal perspective or intervening as a third party—to finally find an effective formula that allows, on the one hand, the administration of the conflict and, on the other hand, seeks ways in which the consequences of that administration do not trigger new conflicts in the short or medium term.

An important issue in this course is that we will work with a diagnosis of the participants regarding their personal style of addressing conflicts, which will be very useful not only in conflict management but also in approaching administration and management processes, with a projection to the fundamentals of negotiation.

Through five classes, the program will deeply cover, in each class, what we consider the general panorama and map of conflicts, their externalization, and their consequences, both from our point of view and from the perspective of the people we interact with. We start by analyzing our conflict-handling profile, applying a tool that will provide us with valuable information that we can later transform into competitive advantages when called upon to manage the conflict we are involved in, mediate in conflicts presented by third parties based on our organizational or professional position, and understand the situations in which we need to strengthen ourselves, as our style may not be the best approach to confront it.

We will then analyze the causes, the possibilities for early detection—helping us mitigate the negative results of conflicts. The possibilities of transforming negative aspects into positive ones. The analysis of the conflict’s source. The difference and possibilities between conflict resolution and conflict management. The potential consequences of poor resolution and its impact on emerging conflicts afterward.

In summary, what we will achieve here is having a systematic and emotionally neutral view regarding the causes and emergence of conflicts. We will be in a position to detect their nature, work on early intervention, and decide if we are facing a situation that can be resolved or managed. We will also be able to anticipate whether the resolution achieved can protect us from the emergence of another conflict resulting from the resolution of the original one. Finally, we will develop some mediation methodologies for when we need to intervene as mediators and peacemakers—situations that we will often encounter in business or professional tasks.

1.Definition and Development of Conflicts:

  • Definition of Conflict.
  • ¿Why do conflicts exist?
  • Conflicts as an opportunity and as a risk.
  • Application of the self-awareness tool for participants regarding their reactions and approach to conflicts.

2.Understanding Conflicts:

  • Negative conflicts and positive conflicts.Description of a conflict/type.
  • Possible types of conflicts.
  • Resolution strategies: Introduction to resolution and management strategies.
  • Lose/lose formulas.
  • Win/lose formulas.
  • Win/win formulas. Intermediate and provisional solutions.
  • Management of the status quo.

3.Behaviors That May Arise in Conflict:

  • Avoidance.
  • Accommodation.
  • Competition.Collaboration.
  • Compromise.
  • Practical methods for conflict resolution: Dialogue and assertive communication.
  • Skills and tools.

4.Practical Methods:

  • Negotiation.
  • Mediation: Definition and characteristics of mediation.
  • Roles and functions of the mediator.
  • Structure and phases of mediation.
  • Techniques and skills of mediation.

5.Practical Case of Mediation in a Conflict: How to resolve conflicts that present themselves as technically unsolvable.

In principle, it is aimed at anyone who needs to improve their personal and professional management in conflict situations, as well as those seeking to begin the path to professional negotiation. In general, it is for anyone who, in their tasks or personal relationships, needs to deeply understand the dynamics and mechanics of conflicts between individuals, organizations, and all human groups they interact with. This is an ideal course for independent professionals, managers, and middle management who wish to manage their work, professional, and personal relationships in a more humane and intelligent way, particularly their interactions throughout the organization (human resources, management control, quality management, marketing and sales, logistics, etc.). It can also be very important for independent professionals, trainers, teachers, and mentors.

Each course is composed of specific tools that participants will find applicable to their reality from the very beginning.

We provide a series of in-depth resources (Ted Talks, articles, work sheets, and videos) for participants to expand their resource base on each topic covered.ada temática que se aborda en las clases.

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