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The Construction of Peace according to Galtung: Building Sustainable and Lasting Peace

Dr. Ricardo Petrissans Aguilar

12 Feb, 2025

Johan Galtung, in addition to his profound analysis of violence and conflict, has dedicated an important part of his work to peacebuilding. This concept focuses on actions and processes that aim to create the conditions for sustainable and lasting peace, addressing the root causes of conflicts and transforming relationships between the parties. Peacebuilding is not limited to the absence of war or direct violence (negative peace), but seeks the presence of justice, equity, and harmony in relationships (positive peace).

Negative peace: Absence of direct violence.

Positive peace: Presence of social justice, equity, human development, and harmony in relationships.

Peacebuilding primarily focuses on achieving positive peace, although it also includes actions to prevent the escalation of direct violence and maintain negative peace.

Reconciliation: It involves healing the wounds of the past, building trust between the parties, and promoting forgiveness and reconciliation. This process may include the acknowledgment of responsibilities, the pursuit of truth and justice, and the repair of the damages caused.

Reconstruction: It focuses on the recovery of infrastructure, the economy, and institutions affected by the conflict. It includes the provision of humanitarian aid, economic development, housing reconstruction, and the creation of employment opportunities.

Conflict resolution: It refers to processes that seek to end direct violence and reach agreements between the parties. It includes negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and other mechanisms of peaceful dispute resolution.

Building peace structures: It focuses on transforming the social, economic, and political structures that generate violence. It includes the promotion of social justice, equity, human development, democratic governance, and respect for human rights.

Building a culture of peace: It focuses on transforming the norms, values, beliefs, and symbols that legitimize violence. It includes peace education, intercultural dialogue, the promotion of tolerance, and respect for diversity.

Peacebuilding is a complex and long-term process that requires the participation of multiple actors, including governments, international organizations, civil society organizations, local communities, and the parties involved in the conflict.

Galtung emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of conflict to achieve lasting peace. It is not enough to stop direct violence; it is necessary to transform the structures and cultures that generate and perpetuate it. Therefore, peacebuilding is an integral process that seeks to create the conditions for peaceful, just, and sustainable coexistence. In summary, peacebuilding according to Galtung is a multidimensional process that encompasses reconciliation, reconstruction, conflict resolution, and the building of peace structures and cultures. It focuses on creating the conditions for positive and lasting peace, addressing the root causes of violence, and transforming the relationships between the parties.

Johan Galtung (born in 1930) is a Norwegian sociologist and mathematician recognized as one of the founders of peace and conflict studies. His work has been essential in understanding the dynamics of violence, peace, and development in the international sphere.

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